The splitting weapon - spear and boar-spear - in the composition of the armament of Old-Russian troops had value which is not smaller, than sword. Spears and boar-spears frequently solved the success of battle as this was in the battle of 1378 on Vozhe river in the Ryazansk earth, where the Moscow horse regiments by simultaneous impact "on the spears" from three sides overturned Tatar army and destroyed it. The tips of copies were wonderfully fitted out for the puncture of armor. For this they were made by narrow, massive and those elongated, usually tetrahedral. Tips, diamond-shaped, lavrovolistnye or wide wedge-shaped, could be used against the enemy, not protected by the armors: two-meter spear with this tip inflicted dangerous torn wounds and caused the rapid loss of enemy or his horse.
Boar-spears had a width of feather from 5 to 6.5 cm and a length of lavrovolistnogo tip to 60 cm. so that to the warrior would be to more easily hold weapon, to the pole of boar-spear it was fitted on two or on three metallic "twigs."
The variety of boar-spear was sovnya (sovna). had curved strip with one blade, slightly bent at the end, which was slipped over long pole. In the Novgorod I chronicle we read how the broken army "... pobegosha to the forest, pometavshe weapon and shields both sovi and everything from to itself ".
Sulitsey was called the missile spear with the lung and the thin pole length to 1.5 m. they were noted the cases, when sulitsu not only they threw, but also they brought by it the prick: "Bodin to byst'... by sharp sulitsami". Three or more than sulits (sulitsa it were sometimes called "dzheridom") were packed into the small quiver - "elaeagnus" - with the separate nests. Elaeagnus it rushed on the belt from the left side.
A. Yurasovskiy
"Russian armors X-XVII enturies".
Artist Vladimir Semenov.
© depictive skill ". Moscow. 1983
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