I've been pouring all the photos from Pennsic I could find... and I can't see myself in any of them. Not a one! I mean, I was there in all the battles, you'd think that ONE person would take a quick snap of me in my new armor.
So this weekend at Harvest Day, I spotted Nivek and asked him to take a few photos of me, if he got the chance. And not only did he take some photos, he emailed them to me the very next day. Awesome.

The first full body shot of me in my new rig, including the tunic now that it has trim on it. The heater shield doesn't really enhance the look, but it's what I know.

The Russian Knight fighting a real Russian. Dimitri is a good guy, and gave me a hard fight. Plus, he can actually read the inscription on my helm.
Look at the sky reflecting off that damn thing. Can you stand it? Big change from the rusty spun-top I used to wear.