Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ancient Russian coin

Srebrenik ("silver coin") of Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich of Novgorod (987-1015). On the obverse there is a representation of St. George; on the reverse (electrotypic copy) there is a family symbol of Rurick’s descendants with the inscription: ÿðîñëàâëå ñðåáðî ("Yaroslav’s silver"). The perfectly preserved specimen was unearthed near the town of Tartu in 1838. Diameter: 25 mm. The Hermitage museum. Link
Yes, that Prince Yaroslav. If I'm wearing his helmet, might I not also have some of his coins on hand?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Full kit

Finally got some photos from Rose Tournament--the first time I wore my new helm and new fighting clothes. I gotta say, I'm really pretty happy with my on-the-field appearance right now.

I still need to make some tweaks--the naruchi (i.e., bazubands) are the big thing. Then I need to extend my greaves so they cover my boot laces; then... well, after that it's small stuff. Trim on the tunic so I look fancier. Greaves mark 2 with tooling. New metal lamallar (but that's kinda expensive, so it's farther down the road).

This is the best I've looked in armor EVER. Dare I say it? I look like a Knight.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Helm Update -- it is here!

The new helm is here and it is awesome. Tonight I pad and strap the thing, just in time for Wednesday night fight practice.

There will be pictures.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Helm update -- en route pt. II

Come on!

It took 10 HOURS to load my helmet onto a truck and start heading for Cleveland?! I could drive to Arizona in 10 hours!

Maybe I should have. Then I wouldn't have to keep checking FedEx's website.

Helm update -- en route

My helmet is on the way! Donngal gave me the FedEx tracking number, and I've been obsessively looking at the progress ever since. Estimated delivery date is 6/16. MONDAY?! It's going to take an entire WEEK to get to me? Dammit! In this day and age, it shouldn't take more than three or four days to cross the country with anything!

I had hoped to have the entire weekend to pad/strap the thing... now I'm going to be pushed for time get it done in time for the Wednesday practice. I do want to fight in the thing at least once before Rose Tournament.

Hurry up, already!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

St. Alexander Nevsky

My knowledge of my persona is woefully lacking, but I'm trying--bit by bit--to enhance it, to add little things that make Nikolas Grigorevich Petrov ring true. This could be one of those bits:

This is an icon of St. Alexander Nevsky. As I understand it, Russian soldiers would often carry small "traveling icons" with them, and pray to them in times of need. I found this one online, but it's small, only 2 1/2" x 1" (it would make a cool necklace, though).

Someday I'll make a traveling icon for myself. It can only help with winning Crown, right?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Helm update -- it is done!

Sir Donngal just sent me this photo:

I opened that photo and just sat and looked at it for a good five minutes. It's stunning. Amazing. I'm blown away. All I want to do is look at it. No, screw that--I want to put it on!

It's mailing out Monday. Which means I should have it Wednesday or Thursday.

Sir Donngal also started a thread on Armour Archive about it. People liiiiiike it!

Just caught myself staring again.

New Helm Update

Sir Donngal tells me that all that remains is to add the stainless welded aventail, which will be delivered by Master Knut today. Once that's attached... it's done. His plan is to FedEx it to me on Tuesday.

I stopped and got a big fat cashier's check this morning and sent it off certified mail. It's exponentially more than I've ever paid for a helmet before; but clearly I've never owned anything even remotely close to this helm. Because it is carved from a single block of awesomeness.

In his last email, Donngal added this:

I can't tell you how many people have come by the shop trying to walk out with your helm. I'm pretty impressed with the shape. I don't expect to see too many of this shape in stainless anytime soon. It was intense. I would shape it and the next day it would relax, then repeat.

I'm glad you'll be at Pennsic. I can't wait to see it on the field. It's going to be very distinguished.

Awe-SOME! I wondered if that once he figured out the shape that he might start making more of this design. There's at least one other in mild already. But it doesn't sound like high-production is really viable. All the better.

Assuming all goes well, I should have this damn thing in my hands by this time next week.

Holy. Shit.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Project: GER

Finished the khana on Sunday, and put up our new traveling home for the first time!

I'm fairly amazed at how big a footprint this thing has when the walls are stretched out.

And the door jamb is tall enough that I only have to duck a tiny bit going in and out. Nevertheless, I'm sure I'll bonk my head a couple of times. Especially after a hard night of Pennsic drinking.

My lady supervises.

Now, my lady is a scientist mundanely. Her analytical mind came in very handy when Farthegn "couldn't make the math work." Here she is discussing the best way to add another slat or two (we miscalculated slightly with the wall length).

Rafters going in!

Good Lord, it looks like a ger!

We had some tensioning problems, but I blame the fact that we didn't have real aircraft cable yet, and were trying to make due with nylon string and a (too short) come-along strap.

But all in all, it went up pretty well for our first time trying to erect it. It helps that Farthegn has helped other people put up their yurts before.

Now we have to move on the canvas. That's the critical part, of course. The structure above is nice, but it's nothing but a gazebo without something to keep out the rain.

We're using sunforger, which is water and mildew-resistant, and flame retardant. The original plan... well, we're gone through several plans as far as the canvas goes. First, we were just going to sew it ourselves. Then Farthegn made a contact with an awing place that said they wanted to get into period tents. When that went nowhere, Farthegn contacted the mother of a co-worker who does large scale sewing. That seemed very promising... then she had an illness in the family and couldn't commit until after Pennsic, so that wouldn't work. Right now we're exploring other people who do large project sewing--obviously the goal is to not have to sew these monsters ourselves. But, if everything else falls through, that's the final back-up plan.

But first we have to buy the canvas.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Helm update -- plaque

Working with Sir Donngal has been a real pleasure. He responds to my emails, sends me photos and, above everything else, gets his work done on a timely basis. 

After emailing me to say he had the artwork prepared, I asked him to send me a copy of the art. He did so, and promptly, I might add. Then, this morning, he sent this:

I have to admit that this isn't exactly what I had in mind when I first started thinking about the helmet. I was thinking of something much more over-the-top and elaborate. I told Donngal this, but he stood his ground and said he was thinking of something that would be closer to the style of artwork that better fit the actual time period of the helmet. The guy wants to maintain the integrity of the piece, I respect that (he is a Laurel in armoring, after all, as well as a knight).

Regardless, the overall effect is stunning. He's polished the dome in the above photo, and it kicks more ass than an ass-kicking ass kicker. 

Now all that remains is attaching the grill and the maille, which should be simple compared to the rest of the construction. I've asked if I can get it delivered in time to wear it to the June 21 Rose Tournament (at which Her Highness Annelyse has asked me to fight on Her team--very cool) and he says that shouldn't be a problem.

Actually, the problem is going to be that I have to drill a couple holes in the thing to attach a chin strap. My luck with strapping helms in the past hasn't been fantastic (my current helm has the chin strap attached at SIX points) and I'm going to move to an entirely internal system, which is to say, it won't be tied in the back like my current helm. Good Lord how I hate that. It works well, but I hate how it looks. Then again, maybe it doesn't work that well, considering that every time the cord loosens up and I get smacked in the face I cut open my nose.

Anyway: new helm damn near in my hands. 
