You can't really tell from this photo, but the fabric I used to cover them is a snazzy brocade. I'm really pleased with how they turned out. So much so, that I think I'm much less likely to just slap a bunch of duct tape on them if something breaks.
In other Crown armor notes, I covered my shield with fabric. It's a green "bottomweight" (whatever that means) but it's sorta like trigger, I guess. Or maybe it is a kind of trigger. I dunno. It looks like durable stuff. The only problem was that the contact cement I used bled through the fabric, leaving ugly white adhesive marks on the visible side. So, I'm going to have to paint the entire thing green anyway. And I have to get on that right away, because my wife is going to paint the household arms on my shield. She's rather talented, so I'm sure it'll look great.
Finally, I had a bit of downtime between projects, so I cut some rattan for my Pennsic hold-out weapon. But not just any rattan, it was the FORK OF EVIL!

Here's the story: years ago, when I was group marshal for the Marche of Tirnewydd, I ran a "Good vs. Evil" tourney at our traditional end-of-the-month mini-event. Basically, before each bout the fighters had to randomly draw from a bucket to see if they were "good" or "evil" for the fight. The "good" fighters got to use "The Hammer of Righteousness" and the "evil" fighters got to use the above pitchfork. Which, I should add, is in no way a legal weapon in the SCA. It was a good time (and once again, just for the record, I had nothing to do with Lord Tigernach (mundanely, a Catholic priest) having to use the "Fork of Evil" -- the list mistress rigged it, because she though it would be funny; which it was).
So this thing has been sitting in my basement for years. It's a big, fat stick, and will be perfect for the axe I want to make (I'll be able to shave down one side considerably so I can tell the orientation of the head without having to look).
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