Working with Sir Donngal has been a real pleasure. He responds to my emails, sends me photos and, above everything else, gets his work done on a timely basis.
After emailing me to say he had the artwork prepared, I asked him to send me a copy of the art. He did so, and promptly, I might add. Then, this morning, he sent this:

I have to admit that this isn't exactly what I had in mind when I first started thinking about the helmet. I was thinking of something much more over-the-top and elaborate. I told Donngal this, but he stood his ground and said he was thinking of something that would be closer to the style of artwork that better fit the actual time period of the helmet. The guy wants to maintain the integrity of the piece, I respect that (he is a Laurel in armoring, after all, as well as a knight).
Regardless, the overall effect is stunning. He's polished the dome in the above photo, and it kicks more ass than an ass-kicking ass kicker.
Now all that remains is attaching the grill and the maille, which should be simple compared to the rest of the construction. I've asked if I can get it delivered in time to wear it to the June 21 Rose Tournament (at which Her Highness Annelyse has asked me to fight on Her team--very cool) and he says that shouldn't be a problem.
Actually, the problem is going to be that I have to drill a couple holes in the thing to attach a chin strap. My luck with strapping helms in the past hasn't been fantastic (my current helm has the chin strap attached at SIX points) and I'm going to move to an entirely internal system, which is to say, it won't be tied in the back like my current helm. Good Lord how I hate that. It works well, but I hate how it looks. Then again, maybe it doesn't work that well, considering that every time the cord loosens up and I get smacked in the face I cut open my nose.
Anyway: new helm damn near in my hands.
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